Friday, 22 February 2019

CANCER Treatment Protocol. How to use GcMAF and get the best results..

Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah  013 996 2974 

What is GcMAF?
GcMAF is an essential human protein our bodies make that removes a number of diseases including cancer. All 5 billion healthy humans make their own GcMAF.  If healthy we make around 10,000 cancer cells a day, but your GcMAF, which has six attacks on cancer, destroys them every day. In all GcMAF has 20 beneficial attacks on disease.

If you have a severe shock, such as losing your house or become weak, perhaps by catching pneumonia, that may give a disease the chance to send out an enzyme to prevent your body making its own GcMAF. If so, that stops the 20 known effects of GcMAF in the body including its six attacks on cancer; without GcMAF, your immune system also collapses, and the disease or cancer becomes chronic.

If external GcMAF is administered, most of the attacks on disease restart in minutes, and in three weeks one of the 20, your immune system, is rebuilt to above normal strength. GcMAF is, of course, without side effects.

Using the Protocols, a big part of which is diet, stage 4 cancer patients usually start improving in the first week, often experiencing a 25% tumour reduction. Some, after 6 months become as cancer free as the rest of us, providing the patient carries out the protocols, the SWISS Protocol in the clinic, and the Home Protocol at home. If you have had chemotherapy it will take considerably longer. If you have been “over chemoed” and your blood / immune system counts are low, we will have to get those back up first.

Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah  013 996 2974 

Under the GMC Good Prescription Guidelines paragraph 68 a doctor may use the treatment of his choice. If you have a cancer with tumours, for the Home Protocol the dosage is:

1. For stage one, a standard dose of 0.25ml GcMAF twice a week, for stage 2 three doses a week, stage 3 five doses a week, late stage 4 up to a full 1ml five times a week. You should expect no side effects with 1ml a day.

2. 10,000iu of vitamin D a day.

3. Eat white meat, fish and vegetables.

4. No sugar or carbohydrates (so no cereals or bread etc) which feed cancer.

5. If your weight drops below your perfect weight for your height, take Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) from a vitamin shop, or better, Master Amino Acid Pattern.

If nebulising the dose is 0.5ml to one ml a day in 5ml of saline.

If you add drugs to this, the more you add the more you will reduce your chances of success. More is less.

Don’t stop the GcMAF until 8 weeks after you have scans proving you are cancer free, or 8 weeks after your nagalase drops below 0.65.

GcMAF is usually successful with terminal stage four pancreatic cancer, but it takes doses of one ml a day initially. Chemotherapy can make blood and immune system counts so low treatment fails.

Avoid the five main causes of cancer;
  1. Too much sugar.
  2. Lack of vitamin D3.
  3. Poor nutrition lacking in amino acids and trace metals.
  4. Lack of oxygen and exercise.
  5. Severe shock stress.
Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah  013 996 2974 


From GcMAF’s discovery in 1990 until 2013, 0.25ml of GcMAF a week was recommended, because it was thought GcMAF only rebuilt the immune system and activated macrophages, where it has a half life of 6 days. In 2013 we carried out laboratory research and published research papers (See “the Science” here) in which we discovered four more attacks GcMAF has on cancer, three excellent results on the brain, and two on cells. 
These have a half life of 3 days. Coupled with feedback over four years, we’ve now re-adjusted the dosing. So for cancer we now suggest at least two 0.25 doses a week, which is enough for good responders. In our Treatment Centres our doctors give a maximum of 2ml, one vial a day for 2 days only, because the body cannot transport cancer debris away at that level. The most we give continually is 1ml a day.

If you are treating an infection or a cold, give one 0.25-0.5 shot only. It may be gone in 36 hours. If you take shots every day, the immune system will be kept high, producing mucous and maintaining the symptoms long after the cold should have left.

Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah  013 996 2974 

Avoid sugars
Stay away from: sugar, which feeds cancer, carbohydrates which turn into sugar; and grains beans and potatoes, which also contain cancer inducing lectins and poisons – wheat is the worst. Avoid soya milk which blocks the absorbance of trace metals.
Some sweeteners are damaging in other ways – asparthame lowers your immune system; even Splenda is a chlorocarbon like DDT –    
The best appears to be the natural plant sweetener Xylitol or Stevia, to which they add relatively harmless maltodextrin for supermarkets. Second best is saccharin.

Breast cancer
If you have a root canal, you are advised to have that tooth removed. (See article)

Avoid molybdenum, which makes breast cancer grow.  The richest sources of molybdenum are legumes, including beans, peas, lentils and soybeans. Nuts, leafy vegetables and grains like oats, wheat and rice also contain ample amounts.

And ordinary milk contains estrogen, which is a growth factor for uterine cancer, and for breast cancer but less so.

Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah  013 996 2974 

Stage 4 cancer
GcMAF has six attacks on cancer; four direct, where its half life is three days. So most importantly increase the GcMAF dosage, and put into different parts of the body at least twice a week. As a macrophage activator its half life is 5 days (the half life of macrophages is 6 days). These 5 attacks start up in within minutes. You can see the increase in activity in the spleen on live scans. The sixth attack, the immune system, is fully rebuilt by GcMAF in 3 weeks. IV by a doctor is best.

There are out-patient Treatment Centres in Europe where doctors use ultrasonography to accurately measure your tumors, and to place the GcMAF in the right place every day for a week or more. Re-measure a week later and a 25% reduction in the first week is average.

If you can have surgery to reduce tumour mass, do so, but make sure you are on GcMAF for at least three weeks before the surgery and 8 weeks afterwards, so that your rebuilt immune system can prevent secondaries caused by cancer cells released by surgery settling elsewhere.
And then keep the GcMAF up for 8 weeks after scans show your tumours are gone, or nagalase first drops below 0.65.


Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah  013 996 2974 

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