The treatment of tumours is primarily focused on radiation,
surgery and chemotherapy. These treatment modalities are traditionally known
ways of combating cancer and are all based on destroying cancer cells by
burning them with radiation, poisoning them via chemotherapy and removing them
through invasive surgery. The use of these treatments may be effective only to
a certain extent and may result in a great loss — a large number of healthy
vital cells are also being destroyed at the same time. This often results in
morbidity or disfigurement of the patients who have been treated. Therefore a
new approach was developed by our scientists to effectively and intelligently
target and destroy only the cancerous cells while leaving the healthy cells
unharmed. This revolutionary marvel is ASI® — Active Specific
more info, please Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah 013 996 2974
Active Specific Immunotherapy (ASI®)
— the autologous
more info, please Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah 013 996 2974
Active Specific Immunotherapy (ASI®), a patented therapy,
which is a form of non-invasive complementary therapy/alternative therapy at an
early stage, improves the malignant conditions with promising results in
patients. ASI® is a therapy that attempts to stimulate specific anti-tumour
responses with tumour-associated antigens as the immunising materials.
Recent immunologic studies have shown that cancer is not
only a cellular disorder triggered by false genetic information but more of an
immunology problem, thus, making ASI® a good choice as an immunotherapy. It is
meant to bring relief from the danger of a disease’s relapse by acting as an
“anti-idiotype antibody”. It is delivered to the patient as vaccination in 30
vials of 1.1 cc. each. ASI® is most commonly used in cancer cases of liver,
stomach, pancreatic, breast, prostate intestine, lymphatic glands and
The ASI® autologous vaccine can also be produced from tumour
tissue, however, the ideal tissue must not be exposed to any radiation at all
and sent directly to the laboratory after surgery. If chemotherapy is involved
prior to this, then 2 weeks must lapse before the tissue is sent to the
The remission depends on the patient´s capacity to answer an
adequate ‘challenge’ with an immunologic response.
Tissue of origin of a tumour, histological findings, size
and location of the tumour, additional metabolic problems, influence of
remedies or drugs, psychological anxiety, age and gender play an influencing
role in deciding on the remission period.
One of the main factors of crucial influence which can
severely jeopardise the effects of ASI® are chronically persisting foci. Root
canal treated teeth and inflamed tonsils are the leading problems and also
toxic burden, e.g. amalgam intoxication are often seen as the reason for failure
in all kinds of therapies in patients with chronic degenerative or malignant
more info, please Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah 013 996 2974
A brief description of ASI® production´s procedure:
- 30 cc of venous blood is taken.
- Treatment under sterile condition (laminar-flow technique, GMP standards).
- Isolation of the Buffy-coat.
- Separation of the Buffy-coat elements and treatment in different biochemical and physical steps.
- Addition of different immune activating substances.
- Boosting therapy with ozone.
- Preparation of 30 vials of 1ml for injection on alternate days (subcutaneously).
more info, please Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah 013 996 2974
New molecular immunological investigations have shown that
the presence of cancer is also an immuno-biological problem in which case a
therapeutic procedure appears meaningful.
In all reports about injections using treated or prepared
tumour cells, the significance of the survival period is emphasised through
freedom from relapses in the case of many types of cancer. One can assume that
the different approaches taken during cell preparation, as well as the quantity
and time periods between repeated uses, play an important role.
Methodology according to stages of cancer can be broadly
classified into the following 3 categories:
a. Small vaccinations from 10 ml of blood from the patient for
4-5 subcutaneous injections spaced one week apart.This procedure is for prevention purposes and can still be
recommended in an early to medium phase of cancer stages.
b. A large vaccination from 30 ml of blood from the patient for treatment by means of a series of injections in an advanced stage of the disease.
c. Manufactured of a specific-active vaccine from a native operation preparation for the patient for a series of injections of graded individualised vaccines of cytoplasmatic cell wall fractions, protoplasms (without nucleic acid and deactivated tumour commensals), in order to trigger various immune responses.
b. A large vaccination from 30 ml of blood from the patient for treatment by means of a series of injections in an advanced stage of the disease.
c. Manufactured of a specific-active vaccine from a native operation preparation for the patient for a series of injections of graded individualised vaccines of cytoplasmatic cell wall fractions, protoplasms (without nucleic acid and deactivated tumour commensals), in order to trigger various immune responses.
more info, please Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah 013 996 2974
Procedure and removal guidelines
a. Prevention or early stage of cancer
About 10 ml of blood is drawn from the patient with a
standard 10ml syringe (only normal syringe is allowed). The syringe is then
positioned vertically with the piston facing downwards at room temperature
(e.g. in a plastic cup); labelled with the patient’s name and date of birth and
diagnosis to be sent by courier to our Swiss lab within the next 24 hours.
b. Advanced stage of cancer
Same as described in a) but 3 syringes of 10 ml of blood
each are needed.
c. From the Tumour tissue
A piece of tumour tissue is needed weighing between 5 and 10
grams which is roughly the size of the round end of the little finger or the
thumb. The preparation should be stored in a small sterile pipe in its native
form and kept in a refrigerator until it is picked up. Do not freeze!
Transportation to the laboratory should take place within 12 hours at 4-8
degrees Centigrade.
more info, please Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah 013 996 2974
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more info, please Contact us:
DR. Majezan Yaacob MD 012 907 8511
Mat Norfiah 013 996 2974
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